About Us

The Philippine Orchid Society, Inc. is a non-sectarian, non-profit, and non-stock professional organization which specializes on Philippine orchids species and hybrids. It is popularly called “POS” among its members and endorsers alike. The group is based in Quezon City, however its members and affiliated garden clubs are scattered all over the country.

The POS holds two Orchid Shows per year which are:

  1. The POS Annual Orchid & Garden Show – which is held during the last week of February to the first week of March (usually March 01 – 10) of every year, to coincide with the natural blooming of the Phalaenopsis (Mariposa) and the Dendrobium anosmum (Sanggumay) .
  2. The POS Midyear Orchid & Garden Show – which is held during August of every year to coincide with the blooming of the Vanda sanderiana (Waling-Waling) which is found in the logo of the society.

The Orchid Show is a 10-day event, with an opening ceremony on a Thursday, and becomes open to the public the following day (Friday) up till the 10th day (which is a Monday). During this event, orchid landscape exhibits, plant judging competition, lectures, free clinics, and commercial sale of orchids, ornamental plants and garden accessories are held. This is a time for get-together for various garden plant enthusiasts, collectors and old friends.


The  Philippine  Orchid  Society  will  provide  Leadership  in  the  global  world  of  ORCHIDS.


The  mission  of  the  Philippine  Orchid  Society, to  accomplish  its  vision  of  providing  leadership  in  the  Orchid  World  are:

  • to  increase members  satisfaction  and  participation.
  • to extend the  knowledge, production, use  and  appreciation  of  orchids.
  • to  collect  and  disseminate  information  on  orchids.
  • to  support  orchid education  and  research.
  • to  support  the  preservation  and  perpetuation  of  orchid species.
  • to  organize  and  maintain  orchid  quality  standards  through  POS  judging  system.

As  a  scientific  or  horticultural  corporation  for  non-profit purposes, we  are  endeavored to  promote, carry  on  and  aid  in  every  possible  way  the  development, improvement, preservation  and  proliferation  of  ORCHIDS;  to  conduct  or  cause scientific  researches  on  development, improvement, preservation  and  proliferation  of  orchids;  to  assist  those  engaged  in  growing  orchids  by  such researches  and  information  dissemination; and  to  extend  the  knowledge, production, use  and  appreciation  of  orchids  of  any  kind  and  in  any  manner  in  the  Philippines.